Showing posts with label west buttress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label west buttress. Show all posts

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Denali: Ski descent from the top of North America

Matt Paul rippin' pow on the Fantasy Face above 17 camp.

After last year's stormed out attempt on 20,320' Mount McKinley, I needed another try.  This year I stepped it up a notch by bringing skis and a group of super fit skiers from Tahoe.

Our crew at 14,000' Camp.

Two weeks can be a relatively short trip for this behemoth of granite and ice, but with a high level of fitness and by acclimatizing a bit before getting on the mountain we were able to get it done.

Flying onto the Kahiltna is always amazing and with a crew that was seeing it all for the first time made it that much more fun.

Mount Foraker on our descent into Kahiltna Base Camp.
A big part of my plan was to get to 14 camp as quickly as possible to be ready for a summit push if we got a weather window.  This was a tough proposition, meaning that we would each single carry 115 pounds of gear to 14,000' in two days.

Taking a 'breather 'on the  Kahiltna Glacier at 9,500'.
Above Kahiltna Pass on the way to 11 Camp.
Jeb realizes that Denali is a cold place.  Glad I wasn't staying in that tent...

From 11 Camp, we slogged our way up to 14 Camp.  This stretch was tough with our loads, but once we were at camp it was time to relax and recover. 

Looking at the Messner Couloir from 14 Camp. Avalanche debris from the Orient Express.

Tucker Cunningham skiing from 16,300' on the West Rib.  Rippin' pow at higher altitudes was an important part of the acclimatization have to do what you have to do.
The Rescue Gully from the fixed lines above 14 Camp.

The author climbing near the fixed lines.

Jeb climbing the ridge above 16,000'.
Jeb, Tucker and Matt on the ridge at close to 17,000'.
Posing in a tent site at 17 Camp on the way to the top.

Jeb and Matt climbing the Autobahn above 17 Camp.
The Team on top of North America!

Jeb grabs a few nice wind buff turns at 18,000'.
Pausing to take in the view of Foraker before descending to 17 Camp.

Descending the ridge back to 14 Camp around midnight.

We took advantage of the first weather window that came our way and summitted via the West Buttress.  This was an amazing day and we were all pumped to have gotten some amazing turns in on the way down.  Skiing at 20,000' can't get much better than this!  We were worn out but happy.  Our trip was coming to an end, but we still had another goal in mind on the mountain....