Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tahoe ice ... have you heard of sucha' thing?

It's not something many people think of in Tahoe, but with a ski season opener like we're having you have to think outside the box.  With the weather still high and dry sitting around and sulking is certainly no option.  If you're sick of carving crowded ski hills for three and a half minutes only to ride the lift for 12, then dust off your crampons and ice tools and take advantage of the ice climbing that's in.  These are some pics from Cascade Falls on the West side of Lake Tahoe.  Pretty fun!

Logan Talbot of Alpine Skills International places a screw while leading up the main flow at Cascade Falls.

Morning light illuminates bulges of water ice.

Nick gets a good placement on the main flow.

Matt Paul buries a pick with a spray of ice.  Perfect ice conditions!

Me leading up the left flow.

At the next screw.

Getting a grip...this section was super thin and fun.  The 5mm thick ice was just enough for the tip the tools and crampons.

Matt continues delicately on the thin smear.

Me getting into the meat and potatoes above the rock section on a short mixed pitch.

Some real ice to swing into!

Double end roping on a couple of twin ropes for the last pitch of the day.

Logan making the most of it on his last pitch.

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